Valentine's Day for me is, like most holidays, just an excuse to decorate. I don't actually celebrate the holiday for its artificial American reasons or its actual historical reasons. AKA, I've never had a valentine, do not have a valentine, and will not have one for a very long time.
But, my singleness aside (which I am not bemoaning, by the way), I wanted to show you guys some very cute decorations I have made based on Pinterest pins and tutorials, so let's get into the crafts.
Paper Heart Chain
Here is the Pin I found:
And here's how mine turned out:
I didn't follow the link in the pin to the tutorial, I just based my project off of the picture (which is what I do for most craft projects, to be honest). It turned out pretty well, but I do wish I had made the strips for each heart a little wider.
Anyways, for this craft, all you do is fold a piece of paper in half, hot dog style, then cut 1 1/2 to 2 inch wide strips along the fold. You can mix up the colors like I did, or stick with one or two colors. Then, to join the strips together as hearts, curve the two ends of the strip inward and staple, and do the same with the next ones, except have the strip interlocked with the previous heart.
On the bookshelf area, I also have pink and white bunting, and a valentine's Webkinz frog. Who remembers Webkinz, can I get an amen?!?
Crochet Heart
Here's the Tutorial I used:
And this is how mine turned out:
For this one, I had to go through a couple mishaps before I got it. It was kind of a duh moment for me. Anyways, I basically followed the pattern verbatim; I just had to make a few tweaks while finishing it off, but nothing major.
I just used leftover yarn from my yarn basket, and I didn't stick to just red and pink. I had a lot of blue yarn leftover from previous projects, so I used that as well. I'm glad I did, because the blues really compliment the red and pink.
I decided to hot glue twine loops to my hearts and hang them on my fake Christmas tree. I figured it's only January/February, no need to take the tree down quite yet. At the base of the tree, I covered it with red and white heart fabric to cover up the Christmas-ness on it.
Heart Tree Branches
Here's the Pin I found:
And this is how mine turned out:
My last Pinterest craft is branches with hearts glued on. Again, I didn't follow the link to the tutorial, but just based my craft on the picture. The branches are real dried out ones my mother had in her craft room, which I covered with glitter glue before adding the heart.
For the hearts, I used different colored paper (the same paper I used for the heart chain). All I did for the hearts was fold my paper hot dog style again, and cut out small half hearts, so that when they opened, they formed a whole heart. I know you guys know what I'm talking about. I'm sure you all made these paper hearts in grade school.
Once all my hearts were cute out and opened, I just hot glued them to my branches randomly. I put all my branches in an old fashioned milk jug to arrange them together, and placed in on my dresser, where I created kind of a Valentine's scene of sorts.
Breaking down the other items on my dresser, I have a small white and pink Christmas tree on which I placed one of my crochet hearts.
And to the right of my branches is a small chalkboard globe my mom made. At Christmas, it said "Joy to the World." I just switched out the message with part of a Bible verse (1 Corinthians 13:4).
And here's the whole Valentine's scene with the lights on.
There are three easy-peezy Valentine's Day craft ideas for you guys. Although my versions turned out pretty close to the picture, I didn't expect them to. If I had, I probably wouldn't have made them.
So don't let your perfectionism keep you from making what you want to. Just get started!
If you do make any of these, I would love to see them. Tweet me (here) or tag me on Instagram (here) with pictures of your lovely, unique creations.
k, bye.