Thursday, January 26, 2017

I'm an Email Hoarder

Yup, you're reading that number right. I have 3,230 emails total, and 1,208 unread emails. I still have emails from 2013. Yup, 2013.

Hi, my name is Fly a Kite, and I am an email hoarder.

The funny thing is, I'm not a hoarder in real life. Everything I own can fit in my bedroom, and, trust me, it's very small. 

I have such an aversion to hoarding tangible things because my parents hold onto so much, and that has been such a bone of contention in my family for years. I am actually almost obsessive with getting rid of stuff. 

I love to clean out my closet and donate my clothes to charity, as well as cleaning my room and finding lots of useless papers and objects. I have no problem getting rid of those.

But, I have 3,230 emails.

I justify it by saying to myself:

"I might need that information later"
"Oh, I'll look at it tomorrow"
"I probably don't need it, but I'll wait and delete it tomorrow"

It doesn't really feel like hoarding because the emails don't take up any physical space, but digital space. However, it's still a trick of my mind, convincing me to keep something I don't need "just-in-case" I'll need it later.

So, to fight this strange and unhealthy habit, I'm going to spend some time this weekend cleaning out my inbox, getting rid of the old to make room for the new. You can join me too, if you like. 

In fact, if you are joining me in combating digital hoarding, tweet me (here) or tag me on Instagram (here) and show me your before and after inboxes. I'll do the same as well.

And, since we're all making room for the new, I have a great email subscription suggestion: me!

If you like what I write and want to keep reading what I have to say, you can subscribe to my email list by imputing your email address in the subscription bar on the side at the top and hitting enter. Thank you in advance! 

And if this felt like a self promo, it kind of was. I mean, I genuinely have a lot of unnecessary emails in my inbox that I plan to get rid of, and my family really does have a hoarding problem. But, still, I'd like to keep interacting with you guys on the regular, and email seems to be the best way. 

So feel free to subscribe or not, no matter. If you do subscribe, I'll see you in your inbox tomorrow with another new post.

k, bye.